Friday, May 11, 2012

how important education is to me

education is important to me. The reason why is because it will help me latter in life. I do not like getting low grades and when i do it makes me a little upset but i get over it. I believe that everyone should go through education so then they can handle the world outside of where they live.

Monday, May 7, 2012

my earliest memory

my earliest memory that i can remember was when i went to the Boston domb theater. This was a really cool experience tthat i have never experienced before. I remember we saw a preview of king Kong and it seriously felt like we were falling off the building with king kong when he was falling. it was awesome. I have many more memories but this is one that i remember the most.

my favorite movie Day 16

hmmm My favorite movie is courageous. The reason why is because it points back to God. I also like this movie because it leaves you in suspense alot.

Another movie that is also my favorite is Facing the Giants. This movie as well brings you back to God. It states that nothing is possible with him. This movie is about a football team that was not good at playing football and when they changed their way of thinking and trusted in God they started wining games. They eventualy got to a really big team that was three times theirs and won.

if i could go back in history and eat with someone

if i could go back in history i would want to meet either Sebastion Bach or Beetoven. The reason why i say this is because the are very famous musicans. Their peices that they created were a great work. The meal that i would eat with them would be fettacini alfredo.

Friday, May 4, 2012

super power Day 14

Have you ever wonder if you could have a super power what would it be. I know i have. I think the super power i would like to have would be invisability. It would be so cool to be invisable. You can sneak up on someone and either scare them or listen in to what they are saying. Another power that i would love to have is being able to fly. I would love to fly because you would be free from this earth and travel faster and it would just be cool

Signifigant memories from my Childhood Day 13

here are just a few of my significant memories. One thing that i remember is that i remember going to my aunts house down in Rhode Isalnd. We had gone kayaking, we swam in the ocean, we rode bikes for 10 miles, and we made fried ice crea.

Another memory that i have was when i went to my first outdoor school with my school. When i went i chose to go canoeing. that was a lot of fun. I also got to meet alot of new friends there.

Another memory that i have is going to music clinic. Music clinic is where a whole bunch of schools get together and either play or sing. This goes on for 3 days and the finally is awesome.

i have many many more but this is all i am going to tell you for now.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

One thing i would most like being great at

One thing that i wish i was great at is my violin. The reason why i say this is because i would love to be a professional, but for right now i would love to play more advanced songs.
Another thing that i would love to be great at is the piano. I love playing the piano and i wish i could read the base cleft notes so then i can play advanced music.

What animal Would i be Day 11

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to be an animal. I know I have. If you ever were to be an animal what would it be. I have decided if I could be an animal I would be a tiger. The reason why I would be a tiger is because I think that they are such a majestic animal and they have no predator. Not just that they are also bigger than a lion. This is what I would be

5 strengths Day 10

Five strengths that I have

I am a good singer. I can pick up songs that I don’t  know after a few minuets of people singing

I am a creative person

Poetry comes to me pretty easy

Drawing is easy for me except peoples noses. I can not draw people noses very well

I can understand people and what they are trying to get through to someone else.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5 weakness i have Day 9

5 weaknesses i have are
1. sweets
2. little baby animals
3. math
4. keeping things the way i want it to be
5. saying what i would actually like to say to someone. like when i have something really interesting to say to someone and when i am about to say it i forget it

most embarassing moment Day 8

One of my most embarassing moments was when i walked into a automatic door. I walked in to the part where the door closes but i laughed at it after.

Monday, April 30, 2012

5 passions i have

1. My first passion is God
2. My second passion is the violin
3. My third passion is helping out others
4. My fourth passion is animals
5. My fifth passion is being with freinds

my dream job

My dream job is to become a professional violinist. I have always been invovled in music and this year i had played with a professional pianoist. This had opened my eyes to what i can do. I love playing music and to have that has a job would just be amazing because i could work and do what i really enjoy doing.

What is the hardest thing I have ever experienced

I would say the hardest thing I have ever experienced was when my dad served in Iraq for 18 months. A hard part was seeing him leave. I remember having to say good bye to him on the opposite side of a glass saying good bye to him on a cellphone that was really hard on me. Also another thing that was hard on me was that I was not able to see him so it was really hard. On my mind I was constantly wondering whether he was going to come home alive. I would say that was my hardest experience I have encountered but he is alive and well so I am happy.

5 things that make me happy

1.    Being with my friends makes me happy. I love hanging out with them and making memories

2.    Playing or singing makes me happy. I normally sing when I am sad and I become happy

3.    Being with family makes me happy

4.    Being outside in nature makes me happy

5.    summer vacations make me happy a lot

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Somewhere i would move or visit

I live Northern New england. I would either stay in the state i live or move to Maine. Wouldn't also mind moving to Ireland or england where people have a britsih accent

Places i would like to visit are Walt Disney World, Jamica, Hawaii, Texas, and Japan

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fears I have

One fear that I had was staying in at my old house which was surrounded by woods, and being alone at night. What lead to this fear was stories of people coming up to your doors and just taking you. I would go around locking doors and I would not unlock them until my parents came home.

Another fear I have is walking alone out in the dark. The reason why I have this fears is because of tv shows showing bears and other animals attacking people.

I also hate tarantulas. The reason why is because they are big and ugly and fast and hairy and nasty. I don’t like little spiders crawling on me and I sure wouldn’t want no tarantulas crawling on me.

20 random facts about myself

20 random facts about myself

1.      When I was born I was born with both hips out of the socket. My let one was completely out. I was in this harness that held my legs up 45 degrees and out at like 90 degrees. I was In this harness for 5 months all though the doctors said I normally someone is in those harnesses for a full year

2.      Have you ever heard the saying of the monkeys jumping on the bed and one fell off and bumped his head. Well when I was younger I was jumping on my parents bed and I feel and cracked my head.

3.      I had a rock thrown at my head by my next door neighbor

4.      I really love music

5.      My secret ambition is to become a professional violinist

6.      I played the trumpet for fours years, I played the piano for 2 years, i have played the chimes for one year

7.      One really cool instrument that I have played was the African drums and a gourd shaker

8.      I used to go to public school but now I am in a private Christian school

9.      I had four baby sharks at one point. They were named Pixi, stick, Spongebob, and Patric

10.  I had 2 dogs in my life time. My first one was a German shepherd Huskie mix named Jamie and the other dog was A York shire terrier whose name was Romeo. I really wanted to name in Cosmo

11.  Every year my family has this tradition in which we go to this place and cut down our own Christmas tree

12.  My favorite food is macaroni soup, pizza, special Kay, Mexican burritos, broccoli casserole, and green bean casserole

13.  My favorite deserts are Ice cream, brownies, fudge, all kinds of chocolate, cherros, and anything else that sweet and tasty

14.  I hate any type of melons including Watermelons

15.  I had a fish I named Spike dude

16.  I was in this youth group called pathfinders for a while and became a teen leader and as a group we made a picnic table with rope and obviously the wood

17.  My dad used to be in the army and served in Iraq for 18 months

18.  I am  a High honor student

19.  I like to ski and snowboard

20.  I love horses

21.  I have had a hammer fall on my head while I was working with my dad on our house

22.  I have also run into bob wire which hurts